Saturday, December 18, 2021

A Carol Revived.

Occasionally one comes across an old hymn or carol and wonders why it ever went out of use.
 In this woke age the reason is usually obvious but this gem from Church Hymnary 2 is worth recording for posterity.CH3 had it.

Tune: CH2 #59 Newton Ferns, Samuel Smith 1821-1917
CH3 # 369 (Misplaced from Advent) Laus Deo( Redhead No 46) Richard Redhead 1820-1901 

God and Father, we adore Thee
For the Son, Thine image bright, 
In whom all thy holy nature
Dawned on our once hopeless night.

 Far from Thee our footsteps wandered
On dark paths of sin and shame;
But our midnight turned to morning
When the Lord of Glory came. 

Word Incarnate, God revealing,
Longed-for while dim ages ran,
Love Divine, we bow before Thee,
Son of God and Son of Man. 

Let our life be new created,
Ever-living Lord in Thee,
Till we wake with Thy pure likeness,
When Thy face in heaven we see;

Where the saints of all the ages,
Where our fathers glorified,
Clouds and darkness far beneath them,
In unending day abide.

God and Father, now we bless Thee
For the Son, thine image bright,
In whom all Thy holy nature
Dawns on our adoring sight. 

Verse 1 attributed to John Nelson Darby 1800-1882 (doubtful)
Verses 2-5 and adaptation of v6 Hugh Falconer 1859-1931