Monday, January 27, 2020

Who are these like stars appearing

Who are these like stars appearing,
Shoulders bent and footsteps slow?
These are they who were at Cambridge
All of twenty years ago.

Who are these in worldy raiment
Sitting at this sumptuous feast?
These have all forsaken error -
Now they worship facing east.

Who are these in stocks and collars
Are they not in 'system' found?
Quite forsaking Mr Darby,
Is their teaching really sound?

Did you know that one's a Baptist -
Was he dipped again d'you think?
Must he wear a hat on Sundays,
Does he smoke cigars or drink?

Rumour has it one's a 'pisky'
'Tis a shortish step from Rome.
Not surprising - All Saints' Peg Street
Always seemed his proper home.

Two of them have been churchwardens.
Most of them have been confirmed.
Some allow their spouses lipstick,
Hair cut short and even permed!

What a falling-off we see here!
Worldly mien, ungodly chat,
Some are even looking happy,
What would Brethren say to that?

Michael Gillingham c.1970


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